Disable scenes for Commercials
Zach Lipovsky
Zach Lipovsky
Merged in a post:
Optional scene headings on shoot day
Casper Holm
On commercials, you don't shoot scenes you shoot storyboards. I would love an option to drop in shots without a automatic scene heading on shoot day
Gelder Dermout
Cheers everyone,
Strongly agree with this suggestion. Shots in commercials are often totally unrelated, not part of a traditional scene. As brands and agencies become more vocal, they dislike it when I ‘introduce’ weird stuff’ like scene nrs.
Also, as we shoot more and more ‘elements’ than finished shots, i often am requested to use postproduction shotnumbers. I can work around the existing structure in Shotlister by creating 1 scene called ‘Shotlist’. No problem, all i need to be able to do is turn off the scene header when i export a schedule.
HI, when you don´t need the scenes in commercial, for Example I do the whole commercial in one scene. But I use the scenes a lot in commercials, it´s good to separate the different locations or if the movie it´s made with a lot of vignettes too.
Casper Holm
German I get ya... but thats a hack. I'm with Zach here. Also... you migth prep shots into clusters/scenes, but not shoot them in that order and you get scene headings all over the place.
Casper Holm correct, get your point. Also what it would be great it's to have the option of use or not the scene heading and the info on hose too.
Gelder Dermout
German exactly, used to be the ‘turn of leaderboard’ when exporting (if i remember correctly)